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The objective of LIVE BLACKJACK is to achieve a higher card count than the dealer, but without going over 21. You compete only against the dealer, not against other players. Played with 8 decks. Dealer always stands on 17. Here are the ones that are worth your while. Play Live Dealer Blackjack Online Now / The Best Online Live Blackjack Sites Red Stag Casino Cool Cat Casino. Enjoy 24 live blackjack games here. Blackjack is a popular online casino game based on the card game Twenty-one, or Vingt-et-Un. Vingt-et-Un was originally played in France in the 17th century. This is why France is considered as the cradle of blackjack. The aim of the game is to have a better score than your dealer as both of you try to hit a total score as close to 21 as possible or exactly 21. The dealer will be dealt two cards as well, but only one is face up. Turn your cards in real-time with a real dealer. Join other players at the table and see if you can get the upper hand over the dealer. For the best casino Blackjack experience, play live as the thrills are instant. Play BlackJack Online – Online BlackJack For You. Online BlackJack at its best. Read the FULL list of the top live blackjack sites! Offers a range of sweeps games. Great variety of slots from Pragmatic Play, Evoplay and more. Daily bonuses, rewards and promos for coins Actual salaries may vary, depending on: where you work the size of the company or organisation you work for the demand for the job, live casino blackjack.
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